Monday, May 28, 2007


Well, today is somewhat of a so-so day. Slept pretty well last night, and this morning, and late morning. Had a pretty good breakfast and just went back to sleep. Finally, woke up and decided to make a trip to Dick's Sporting Goods to look for something for my bald head. Had some luck and found a couple knit caps and a couple nylon skull caps that are designed to wear under bike/batting helmets. Comfortable and lots more convenient than tying a bandana. Today, for lunch, we had the pulled pork that Jill started in the crockpot yesterday - fabulous. Was like we were in Memphis/Nashville with pulled pork, bbq sauce to dip in, potato salad, and some bread. Great Memorial Day meal.

Re: health, about the same as the last few days. No pains have developed yet from this round of chemo. Still primarily the dull tingling thrughout my body - kinda like a photo out of focus. Everything else about the same. Appetite pretty decent - but I have continued to supplement with Boost just to be sure I am getting good nutrition balance. I am still mostly nibbling and grazing through the day.

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