Tuesday, July 10, 2007

this one hit hard

This particular long chemo infusion really hit me hard. On Friday, I was feeling OK and cooked sauce and meat for lasagna - which was delicious. It was nice to have both kids here, along with Brett's girlfriend Arielle, to help so that we could make and eat a big lasagna. But...shortly after, I started to get hit by the chemo on Friday night. Ended up sleeping 21 hours on Saturday and about 14-15 hours on Sunday. Didn't eat much and felt generally pretty crummy. Finally started to come out of it a little on Monday but I was not able to get to work. It seemed to help when I could eat a little - but food just didn't appeal to me at all. On Monday night, I had a little of the leftover lasagna. Tuesday, I needed to get into work for a meeting so I pushed myself to eat more. I did make it to work by noon and lasted until the end of the meeting around 4:30. But, went straight to bed and napped until about 7PM. Finally tonight, I am feeling a little better. I expect that I will be able to get into work tomorrow - just sitting around gets old very quickly. But, I get another short chemo infusion on Thursday. Hopefully, this will be the last chemo and I will get a chance to recover a little more fully.

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