Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Met with Dr Einhorn this morning to discuss the PET/CT scans. Well...the really good news is that I am apparently now classified as being in remission. Dr Einhorn seems to be extremely happy with the progress from the chemo. The even better news is that I am done with chemo for now and Dr E did not talk about that being in the near future. I will still be on the Avastin until around May - that is the med that prevents formation of new capillaries and, therefore, helps prevent the cancer from spreading. Since the cancer is not completely gone, it will surely be necessary in the future to undergo further treatments of some kind. Dr E is talking about a med that is taken as a pill but he hopes to hold off until next year or even the year after.

For now, no chemo means that I will get a chance to recover from the nasty chemo and should be able to regain my strength and stamina. Right now my BP continues to be high. Dr Forkin added another BP med today. Dr E wants me to get it under control quickly because he postponed my Avastin infusion that was to be today. Apparently, the Avastin is probably the culprit causing the high BP. But, he doesn't want to postpone it for more that a week or two.

For now, what a relief to know that the chemo has done its job.

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