Sunday, July 22, 2007

better each day

Good news - I have continued to feel better each day. We made a trip to the outlet mall today. We needed to exchange a suitcase that broke on its first use - the trip to the Dominican Republic for Abby"s wedding. Wouldn't you know that the latches worked just fine when the store clerk tried them. But, she exchanged the bag anyway.

My BP appears to still not be completely under control. It has kicked back up after just a very short time of being lower. Will see what Dr Forkin says. Still having some headaches - but less often and not nearly as severe. PET/CT scan tomorrow. Will see Dr Einhorn Wednesday to find out about the scans.

Jill's mom went home Saturday. She and Jill got a lot done while she was here. They got all the tubs emptied from the living room. And, Julie is gone right now. She is helping to chaperone a mission trip by a group of high school age kids to New Orleans. She was to help drive one of the vehicles - a Ford Expedition. Quite a large vehicle for her since she only drives her VW Jetta.

Last night we hosted our euchre group. It was a great success and all the food seemed to be a hit - but it sure wore out both of us. We didn't do loads of cooking - but there was quite a bit of prep for things like meatballs/sauce, antipasto tray, homemade quacomole, etc. We were both really tired when the night was over.

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