Thursday, June 28, 2007

back to the office

After taking off yesterday just in case my watery eyes might be a relapse of pink eye, I am back today. My eyes are still watering quite a bit - but they have not turned red or swollen as they did with pink eye.

Each day this week, I feel just a little better. Probably over extended a little yesterday. When my eyes didn't get red, we went out to search for and buy tile. Got the tile for the downstairs bath. But...never came up with anything for the kitchen backsplash. After quite a bit of looking at a couple stores, both Jill and I pretty much pooped out. That was it for the day. Got home and took a short nap.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Well...crud...I was planning on pushing my time at work a little more each day this week. eyes started to weep and get a little crusty in the middle of last night - similar to when the pink eye started a couple weeks ago. Can't afford to go to work until I can figure out if it is pink eye coming back. So, I guess I'll hang around at home until I know for sure.

Otherwise, the good news is that I am feeling pretty well. Headaches are completely gone. Energy level is starting to build back up. I suppose I will try to get a few chores done - that should test the energy level. I have several things that have been on hold while I wasn't feeling well.

Monday, June 25, 2007

chemo kicks my butt much for my energy being back. Seems that even the one-hour chemo infusions are now kicking my butt. This time I had about three days of headaches and very low energy. Not the worst that I have had - but bad enough to keep me down for much of the weekend. We did get out a few times - but it didn't take much to drain my energy. Happily, I don't have another infusion until July I have some time to recover and feel OK for a while.

Jill sees her hematologist/oncologist this week. Hopefully, he confirms that everything remains stable. It's is sometimes a little strange for her to have more energy than me - but very good that she seems to be stable.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

energy is back - kinda

Well...yesterday I managed to get into the office for a while. And, today, I am quite a bit better. When I got to the office, it turned out that I had a couple boxes from reps. One group of reps sent me a fruit-of-the-month thing - this month was cherries. Very nice and very good. Another sent a box of Harry & David pears - these are always the absolute best ever. So, I had a chance to enjoy some very good fruit - and will have some for the next couple days.

Tomorrow, I have a short chemo and an appt with Dr Forkin to discuss my basic meds - particularly my blood pressure med.

Monday, June 18, 2007

it's been a while's been a while since my last post. So...let's get updated.

The trip to the Dominican Republic and the wedding were very nice. Punta Cana Bavaro Suites was a very nice place - I certainly recommend for anyone wanting a good land/beach-based vacation. The rooms, food, atmosphere were all great. It was very relaxing and we took lots of naps. The wedding was quite nice. It was nice to see everyone for longer than the typical wedding/reception since everyone was there for at least four days and others longer.

The day before we left I came down with pink eye. But, that is cleared up now and no longer a problem. We had been worried about possible infections on the trip since my immune system was compromised. But, the pink eye turned out to actually be a relatively minor issue.

Had PET/CT scans on Wednesday. Met with Dr Einhorn before chemo on Thursday. Turns out that what he referred to as the "big miracle" didn't happen - surgery does not look like an immediate option. However, the "small miracle" is that the chemo continues to make good progress. So...we will continue down that route.

The Thursday all-day chemo really kicked my butt. Didn't really have pain or the kinds of side effects that put me in the hospital a few weeks ago. More just a complete loss of energy and little appetite. Spent most of the time late Friday and all day Sunday just sleeping and doing very little. On Sunday, I moved around and ate a little - but still not very much. Today, Monday, I had to get to Dr Forkin's office for a blood draw and I had some breakfast - a great heart-healthy McDonald's breakfast!!! I am feeling a little better. Haven't been in to work for a while but plan to try to get in tomorrow for a while.

Have a short chemo this Thurday and a follow-up with Dr Forkin. I have been off my blood pressure meds since I was in the hospital and had extremely low BP. My BP has been slightly high since going off the meds. We'll see what Dr Forkin wants to do - Dr Einhorn is leaving that decision to her.

The current plan is for my next full-day chemo to be July 5. I assume there will be another short chemo the week after that. Then, Dr Einhorn wants to do the PET/CT scans again. He is not ready to give up on a chance for surgery. In any case, the PET/CT scans will help to determine the clear progress of the chemo during the first four infusions. Will then determine plan going forward. Don't know yet whether the plan will be for a couple more infusions.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

doing well

This will be the last post for a week or so. Early tomorrow, we leave for the Dominican Republic where we will attend the wedding of Jill's niece, Abby. I have been feeling remarkably well for the last few days. No significant side effects other than my diminished stamina. Have been getting to the office regularly. I still don't have much of an appetite - but I am "eating by the clock". When it is a normal time to eat, I just eat even though my body doesn't tell me I am hungry. And, I am eating relatively normal amounts even though I don't feel full. Many foods don't have much taste. But, my approach is simply that I need the nutrition - so I eat. It will be interesting to see how my body handles the trip - being outside my normal routine. I expect the travel to tire me quite a bit. But, once we get there, I should have lots to time to rest and relax. We travel Wednesday and the wedding is Saturday - so I will have Thursday and Friday to just relax. We will fly home on Tuesday.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

farmer's market

Today was the first day of the Carmel Farmer's Market. Both Jill and I woke up early - not on purpose - and we headed to the market. Got a little tired walking the full market - but it was nice to get out. Grabow Orchards didn't have any pies today but I did get some blueberry bread and banana bread.

I noticed today that the fog/haze I have been feeling for a while is now gone. My stamina has continued to lessen each day - but that is about the only real effect at this time.

We have euchre tonight so I think I will try to get a good nap this afternoon before cards.